
Monday, July 1, 2013

Sunday - Day 126 - Simple Worlds

It was another day bumming it at the beach.  Today we were with our friends and their kids.  Marcella and her girlfriend joined us as well.  Perfect company for a lazy day!

The men playing catch up

We always have a great time watching all four of our boys with one another.  We haven't all been together in a while, but the boys did not skip a beat and pulled together as if no time had passed.  They gravitated together, and played in a tight circle, in the sand, always in each other's space, as if the beach was a small island.

Ty thinks he's "BIG" around all the older boys

Chelley and I watched with amusement, the same thoughts drifting through our minds, 'remember these moments fondly, before they grow up on us.' 

Not long before we were going to head back to the camper, the two older boys, the men and Chelley were all in the ocean.  I held back with the little boys.  I watched them all in the water intently wondering what they were up to.  Before, I could give it a second thought, James was flying high, riding a wave on his boogie board.  He had a huge smile on his face which mirrored John's, as they both gave a fists up with enthusiasm.  I threw up my own fist with joy and excitement. "Go James!!"  He did it and loved it, and was ready to go back in again.

Max was right behind James riding an equally exciting wave.  Chelley and Greg were just as blown away as John and I.  Max was glowing with pride.

Both boys went for round two, this time riding multiple smaller waves and catching each one until they made it close to shore.  Those swim lessons paid off, no more fears, today it was all about the fun!

Our five year old boys rode the waves today, the boys had officially crossed over.  I can only imagine ten years from now, our sun kissed, surfer teen boys, walking around the beach with their boards, pretty girls following them around.  I like our little boys and I'm not sure if I'm ready for what that future holds.

We headed back to the camper fully charged, after only a few hours soaking in the sun.  The gentlemen made a run to the grocery store and cooked a feast for all of us, on John's new grill. 

BBQ Chicken & Corn
Chef John hard at work!

We sat outside in the rain, drank a few beers, managed our silly boys, and we were happy.  We were happy we took the time to be together today.  We talked about life, work, kids, our upcoming trips to Georgia and South Carolina, and we laughed over nothing.  

We will look back one day and laugh some more, we will laugh at all the things we didn't know today.  When we look back, we will already know what has become of our simple worlds.  We will think life was easy.  We will miss our little boys.  

Dylan hard at work chasing Ty

Ty playing in the sandy mud puddle after it rained

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