
Monday, September 9, 2013

Friday - Day 194 - "That" mom

I went to my first PTA meeting this evening.  It was tied into a family bingo/pizza night.  I must admit, I'm a bit of a sucker for bingo, and although I never win I am always hopeful.

It was also a great excuse to see Chelley and Greg and their boys.  With the new school schedule we are tied to, our boys see each other every day, but we seem to see each other less.  

We all sat in the elementary school cafeteria, at a long table with attached chairs.  It was crowded, it was loud, it was chaos.  

A little chaos never scared me away, however, my little son hates constant loud noise and was fussing most of the time.  

The woman announcing the PTA agenda was straining to be heard over the chatter of parents.  At this point, I was now happy I did not volunteer to help. 

Eventually the bingo began, all our boys were fighting over markers, playing under and around the long table with the attached seats as numbers were being called out one by one, with no apparent end.  

I reminded myself of the fabulous five dollar prices we were playing for, was it really worth all the trouble?  Ty was beginning to get out of hand, I convinced James to push him in the stroller.  

Before I could get through an entire game, I see James and all our boys racing around, pushing Ty, all four of them laughing hysterically. 

I had just become "That" mom, with the insanely crazy, out of control kids.  The self-entertainment was worth it, they were happy and no one was getting hurt.  Isn't that really what it all boils down to?

Is anyone hurt? Is anyone in trouble?  If the answer is "NO" - carry on.   I reigned them in at some point and did the walk of shame retrieving Ty in his stroller.  The cafeteria was still chaos, I am not entirely sure if anyone even noticed or cared, many much too focused on their Bingo boards. 

After more bingo games then I could count, we all left early, it was just a little too much excitement for this mom's Friday evening. 

Maybe next PTA meeting, Chelley and I should have our husbands drive and sneak in a bottle of wine.

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