
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Saturday - Day 195 - Hungry, Hungry Husband

John has been traveling less, and has been home more.   Which has been fantastic; our unfettered, tranquil time together has been especially satisfying. 

I noticed, however, we drink more coffee, more gallons of water and eat more food when John is home.  I plan more dinners and ensure he has lunch friendly food available.  

I use to buy 3 at a time, now we buy 8
(must be screw cap, otherwise they'll leak, when laid flat in the fridge) 

This has resulted in our food buying strategy changing ever so slightly.  I used to get by on the bare minimum when John was out of town, unfortunately this method will no longer suffice. 

Space is habitually limited in the camper and considering I now have a pantry shelf dedicated to James' school snacks, I have become quite skillful in managing the food supply.  

I find when I shop at Winn Dixie, I must deny "the buy one, get one" sales on things we don't need, and it has been difficult.   

I only purchase what we will eat within a week, including freezer items.  What does not get eaten within a week, will most definitely be eaten by week two. 

I am hardcore about keeping a good rotation on all food.  If I find we are not eating a cold item, like grapes or carrots, I often wait weeks before I purchase it again.  I want nothing lingering in the fridge or on a shelf for too long as it is taking up precision space for something new.  Throwing away empty boxes or packages is such a satisfying treat. 

Nothing like snack time,
to manage food movement. 

Having a small refrigerator absolutely enforces efficiency.  I have this odd feeling once I have a normal size refrige again I'm going to go food shopping, come home and have enough food to only to fill one shelf.  

Old habits did hard.  

My Future Fridge :|

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