
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Saturday - Day 237 - Family

Family are the people in our lives we did not choose to have in our lives.  We were born to share our lives together. 

Our family is a spectrum of personalities, although we may have been raised in the same culture and have similar appearances and mannerisms, we still differ in so many ways.

The unique truth about family, is that no matter what differences may arise at one point in our lives or regardless of how we may get under each other's skin, our family will always be there for us in times of need.  They will always understand us on a level that no one else will.  

I have such a large family that sometimes years will go by before I see some of them.  However, my mother, my siblings, nieces and nephews I see more often. 

Nieces and nephews are my favorite family.  They love us even if we act a little crazy.  They are fun to talk to, they are easy to spend time with, and under traditional circumstances, we get to see them grow up and watch them make their own life choices.   

I have three nieces and two nephews and I love them all dearly.  (Not counting my friend's boys who call me "Aunt LeeAnn")

My two nephews and one of my nieces are all grown up, in their early, mid to late twenties.  I was a child when my oldest sister began having children.  I've had the luxury to be a significant part of their lives, until I myself was in my late twenties and moved to Dallas, TX.  

Since then, they have grown, from pre-teens to teenagers, college students to graduates.  Now, they are young adults, and in a blink of an eye, they may be married and possibly even parents.  It has been incredible to watch them grow up.  I am extremely proud of them for so many reasons.  

My oldest nephew  is an outstanding chef.  He is highly intelligent with an exceptional heart.  Although he has a reserved side, I aways sense he can open up to me at anytime.  He was the first born, and we spent a lot of time together when he was young.  We are only 11 years apart, creating a unique bond.  I have an enourmous amount of respect for him, turning his career dreams into a realty.  It takes courage to redirect your career. 

My second nephew is slowly, but surely paving his life path, working hard to get into law enforcement.  I expect he'll be pleasantly surpised once he achieves his goals and realizes how much he is capable of. He has charisma and personality to succeed at anything he puts his mind to, but sometimes it is hard to know exactly what we want to do.  I envision his future as a confident man, with all his untapped potential revealed.  I am enthused to see where he will find himself in the next three-five years. 

My oldest niece is one of the most beautiful, and sweetest people I know. She is perfect in so many ways, although sticks to what she is familiar with.  Unlike her wanderlust aunt, she is not a fan of taking risks, a quality I have a difficult time relating to.  I know my niece can do and be anything she chooses.  In her own time, she will find her independence and when she does, she will discover how her own internal beauty touches the world around her in a positive light. 

If I have one regret moving away from New York, it would be that I was not there for my nephews and inparticular my niece.  They have grown into young men and woman.   My sister did an excellent job even when life threw her a few curve balls.  

I love and appreciate my dynamic family, sometimes more than I allow them to them to realize it.  

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