
Friday, October 25, 2013

Sunday - Day 238 - 2 girls and a wrench

What happens when two females are left alone, with a tool chest and a shower head to replace?  

I would like to say absolutely nothing.  It's a no brainier task, easily achievable without the help of a man. 

My own father taught me to use his tools, I can manage my way around small household tasks.  Give me a drill any day, I have no fear!

Maybe some fixers are more complex then others.  One sister stands by with a watchful eye, a second sister (me) grabs a nice size wrench out of her father's tool chest.  "Piece of cake!"  "Easy Peasy" as my son would say.  

I take the wrench and attempt to twist the stiff old shower head off, to replace it with a new, more manageable one with a long hose.  The old shower head would not budge.   

After many tries, I was pretty certain I should have given up.  It could not be done, but I heard my father's voice in my head. "Try a second wrench to hold the pipe in place."  

The water pipe attached to the shower head was already wobbly.  "What the heck," I thought, "I'll give it one more try."

Second wrench in hand with the help of my older sister, we waited with anticipation  for the shower head to pop off.  I clamped the second wrench to the pipe and held it while I tried to twist the shower head off.  Although, something did not feel right, I was sure it could be done.  

I think that sad shower head was older than me.  I made one more go of it, my father egging me on in the back of my mind. "Just hold it and twist it this way."

"Pop!"   That was it!  The pipe and the showerhead came off together.  It was completely broken.  "Ahhhhh, I think I twisted too hard."

Lucky for me my sister has an overly eager boyfriend aiming to please.  He took one look at the shower-less shower and shook his head.  He nicknamed me Hercules, dumbfounded how my sister and I could so so much damage in such a short amount of time. 

Ironically he had seen an old friend earlier who just happened to be a plumber.  Sometimes things go awry so we can see the magic of life, events present themselves and come together on their own.  

My mom, sat in her chair, with no knowledge of what was going on. This was a true sitcom moment if there ever was any.  She asked what happened, who was coming, what did we need?  We gave only simple, no worry answers.  She was satisfied with them all.  Sometimes, old people are like children,  they believe anything you say for face value.  

As the plumber swooped in and fixed the damage, my mother continued to watch television.  Although, her own home was funnier than anything she could have been viewing. 

The plumber comes in with a blow torch and soldered the broken pipe.  He had to cut a hole in the bathroom supply closet.  My mom's toiletries littered the bathroom along with saw dust.  

My sister and I and her boyfriend were stunned.  If our mother saw the disaster she would have been a mess of emotions.  

A quick clean up and she was never the wiser, and the shower was fixed within an hour, but who would have thought....

two girls and a wrench could do so much damage?  

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