
Monday, October 14, 2013

Tuesday - Day 226 - Stress Series: The News

The news is extremely stressful.   The looming doom and gloom of government shut downs, homicides, child abductions, mass shooting and potential war attacks could put anyone in a tail spin of anxiety.

I watch the news in small doses.  I pick and choose light hearted yahoo news articles to read which ironically find their way on the Today Show.  On occasion I allow my informed husband to clue me in on current events.  His preferred news source is Drudge Report.   They say "ignorance is bliss" and I would have to agree on this issue, what I don't know won't kill me. 

True story:  The last mouthful I heard from my husband was about Fukushima leaking radiation into the oceans and the possibility that it could blow up, due to heat reactors not maintaining the make shift cooling mechanism currently in place.  If the power plant explodes the effects will reach all the way to our west coast and living anywhere in the Western Hemisphere would be dire, particularly for my youngest son, most prone to the radiation poisoning.  Our entire lives would be turned upside down in a moment.

No light hearted conversation at the dinner table this particular evening.  Hearing and contemplating these things puts me in a state of panic.  I consider the real possibility if the nuclear power plant blew up and what we would or wouldn't do.

My thoughts blast in multiple directions.  I think about my childhood friend, Akiko, who lives in Japan and wonder how the situation has and would affect her and her family.

I open my mind to how our world and country would change.  I allow myself to switch life gears in a matter of minutes if a worse case scenario ever came to fruition.

In the meantime, I choose my happy, stable life to be just so: Happy & Stable, without side factors caving in on it.  I consciously ignore the media and live my life for the right now.  If something changes tomorrow I will adapt and figure it out, but today I will continue to live life excluding the dim news dripping off mainstream media.  It is presumptuous, full of partial truths and mindless entertainment.  


Do I care about the future of our country?  

Do I care about my children's future world? 
Absolutely I care! 

I simply refuse to stress over things I have no control over.  I will adapt, change my life accordingly, and continue to make the best decisions possible with what I know to be true,   while I try NOT to be influenced by propaganda from the media.  A side show of negative scandals for all to see and believe.  

Bliss is where we choose to be, not what we're told to do. 

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