
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Wednesday - Day 227 - Stress Series: Recovering Stress Addict

Living a less stressful life is a happy place to be.  Waking up each morning free of worry, without a cloud of dread looming overhead is an ideal reality.   

There is a unique sense of self and love for life that is incompatible to anything else a person can experience when our stress triggers are eliminated.  An unexplained sense of peace and well being drapes over our lives and the emotions that fill it. 

I am not saying there are not moments I wonder if I will revert back to my old stress inviting ways. However, when a moment of weakness rears its ominous head, I snap back faster and easier with less concern I will feel out of control of my life or my feelings at any moment.  

It is okay.  Life is okay.  I am okay.  Nothing is going to tailspin me into an uncontrollable mess of senseless emotion.  There is no anger or fear or any other by products of stress.

There will always be people or situations out of my control, but without anger and fear and hurt feelings, there are no negative emotions projected onto a stressful situation.   It is an interesting twist on reality, one blissful day at a time.  

Letting go of emotional expectations allows our inner self to live life freely. 

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