James' Birthday Party!!!
Chuck E. Cheese may be a parent's nightmare, tons of chaotic children running around, being loud. This is probably why they serve beer.
When it comes to our kids we do almost anything to keep them happy and to put a smile on their face.
Although, I waited three years to have another Chuck E. Cheese birthday party for James, this year I finally gave in to his pleas.
Chuck E. Cheese party packages are the best deals going for kids Birthday parties, so how could I say no? Lots of party for nominal dollars and the party keeps on going and going.
Pizza & Pop, cake & Ice cream, Ticket blasters & piñatas, Guitars & goodie bags, it is never ending.....
Tons of tokens and more tokens and bonus tokens. And that's enough tokens, seriously no more tokens.
These tokens transform into tickets, hundreds and thousand of tickets. Tickets for prizes parents must wait in slow moving lines to claim. Little girls take their time picking 10 and 15 ticket item prizes to claim 700 tickets. Only 645 more to go! NEXT please!!
The party is everything a mom could want to over stimulate her child and all her guests' children. Lets not forget the scary, large mouse who walks around throwing free tickets at all the kids.
Watch out or you'll get trampled by a stampede of children chasing tickets as they are thrown in the air. Watch as they scramble to the floor in delight.
And as soon as you think you've seen enough, it's over. Everyone survived, a little shaken, but with enough energy to tote all the Rock Star party gear away.
As we walk out the doors, the question all parents dread....
"When can we come back again?"
Lucky for us, Chuck E. Cheese is currently being built in town. We had to drive an hour to have James' party in Orlando. We actually ran into an old friend (who doesn't even have small kids) and was attending a friend's child's party. Another odd coincidence of all places to see someone you know an hour from home. He was a smart one, taking advantage of the beer on draft.
Guess even a big 'ol scary mouse can bring people together.