
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Friday - Day 264 - Love (part 2)

I have a friend whose life resembles a romantic comedy.  She has a thriving career, tons of social engagements, a fabulous, funny supporting cast and a love life to bring any woman to her knees.  

She is my friend, my lovable girlfriend who is in search of Mr. Right, but only seems to find Mr. Wrong.  It is a classic recipe for a romantic comedy.  Guy meets girl, girl is smitten, guy screws everything up,  guy proves his unconditional love. Girl forgives guy.  They live happily ever after. 

And that's a wrap!

Life isn't that simple, or is it? 

Despite a checkered history of bad boys and unrealistic mates, who in retrospect where all the wrong fit, my friend had FINALLY found a different kind of guy, one who matched up with her extremely well.  

The guy had his own thriving career, he had never been married and has had no children, (that we know of).  He had a good upbringing.  The two truly clicked and so the story of guy meets girl had begun.  A courtship had blossomed.  

Based on what I know, this guy could very well be "the one" for my friend.  

And then he screwed up.  He did the thing that many girls fear. The "perfect" guy had been seeing his exgirlfriend, who lived in a different state.  The news, delivered by the ex, did not go over well with my friend.  My friend was in shock. I was disappointed.  I was rooting for this guy the entire time.

But I always root for the guy, I always give the man the benefit of the doubt.  Don't we all root for the guy in romantic comedies? We want the guy to get the girl!  

"Fools Rush In"
"Sex In the City" the movie
"How to Lose a guy in 10 days"
"13 going on 30"
"Along Came Polly"
"Pretty Woman"
"Say Anything"
"Knocked Up"
(Just to name a few)

There is always a happy ending and we love the guy even if he did act unforgivable. 

I believe this guy is in love with my friend.  I truly believe he was drawn to the comfort of his ex and his emotions were pulled in multiple directions. 

I believe as humans we could have feelings for more than one person at a time, but we make choices to be faithful and get married and to be true to one love. We want to stay committed to our word. 

Love is never black and white. 

How does this love affair end or has it ended already?  I can't answer that.  I am wondering if either one will fight for what they could have together.  They spoke of marriage and children.  They envisioned their future with one another.  They laughed and enjoyed quality time together. They fit like perfect puzzle pieces. 

Is it enough to fight for a lifetime of potential happiness or will she always suspect he is seeing other women behind her back?  

Men can decide to be faithful to the right woman at anytime, even if they have made mistakes in their past. 

Time has an interesting way of revealing people's true colors.  Sometimes we need to take chances on the most unlikely souls, because nobody comes with a lifetime guarantee. 

Where there is love,
there must be faith. 

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