
Friday, November 1, 2013

Monday - Day 246 - House Hunters

Yes it's true!  John and I auditioned for House Hunters.  We did it solely for the experience and if we actually were on the show it would be a little snapshot into our lives for the entire world to see.  What fun!  

Our audition video\

We have a such a unique story, and the producer I've been corresponding with for almost a year, agreed.  He was certain we would make through....if only ...... We described our dream home in the most detail.  One more take and maybe we would have nailed it. 

I admit, the producer gave me a strong recommendation, get that dream home described in detail.  We also shared our search process in the Fly In community and on beachside, not to mention we live in our camper!!  How could they not want to take our story?

After waiting about a week, I learned the show gave us a 'pass'.  That's a nice way of stating you're rejected!!  

It's not so bad getting rejected from one of my absolutely favorite, guilty pleasure, television shows.  Yes, it's stings just a bit, and it is drenched with disappointment and questions of "Why not us?"  

But, at the heart of it all, I was literally a nervous wreck recording a seven minute audition video.  I was all tongue tied, forgetting what I wanted to say, not making my mental visuals clear for the entire world.  How could I begin to speak at length for a profession thirty minute show?  I would have most definitely embarrassed myself.  I am sure of this.

But a little embarrassment never killed anyone.  A little bruised ego only helps it bounce back stronger and healthier.  

That's what we tell ourselves to make ourselves feel better.  But, admitting it, writing it, and sharing these feelings actually does make me feel better.  It's not really that bad or a big deal.  

It just is.  And to me that IS okay.  

I may not have made it on House Hunters, but I tried and not many people I know can say they auditioned for House Hunters.  Or maybe if they did and they can not admit they too were rejected. 

And then I think..... Maybe, just maybe, John and I will have an opportunity to relocate overseas at some point in the future.  hmmmmm, I wonder if International House Hunters will take us?  I'll be ready and prepared.  I like that show just a little bit better anyway.  

The great thing about dreams, is that they are unlimited.  

Never say Never! 

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