
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Saturday - Day 279 - Midlife Crisis?

39 + 39 = 78. 

Interesting set of numbers.  

My mother is turning 78 this year. 
My mother was 39 when I was born.
I am 39 today. 

My mother would have been 42 when she began raising me, I was three.  
I will be 40 next year, when my son turns three. 

I use to think my mother was an "older" mom, but then that would make me an older mom. 

Today I know better. 

Maybe 39, 39 years ago, was older.  Maybe it only seems old in our memories.  

I am sure I will live to be as old as my mother is today, if not older.  But, knowing this I would have to admit I am pretty darn close to being middle aged.  

That's a funny term to me now, "Middle Aged".  It's meaning has changed. 

Maybe my reflections and blogging is part of my own mini mid-life crisis.

I use to think only men go through 
mid-life crisis with fancy new sports cars and young(er) girlfriends. 


Maybe I need a fancier car and a younger boyfriend.  Oh, wait, I have two little boys in my life sons!  That's enough excitement for two mid-life crisis.  

At what age do we truly stop and think "Oh crap, what have I done with my life?  I need to do more, I'm running out of time!"  

Probably not 39.  It happens more so at 49.  That is true middle age, that's a good time for a really meaningful mid-life crisis.  I have an entire decade to look forward to, before my panic button turns RED!

RED! This is why middle aged men buy  RED sports cars.  Maybe I should have a talk with my husband.  He's a getting awfully close to the RED zone.  

(Wink - Wink)

I'll be prepared
just in case

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