
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Friday - Day 278 - BlackFriday

Today was that bad word you're not suppose to repeat. "Black Friday".  I am not a shopper, I am definitely not a Black Friday shopper.  

However, here I am, with my first born turning six on that bad word day and I promised him a trip to Toys R Us to get him a gift using his birthday money.  

Officially SIX today!

What was I thinking?  I often make plans without thinking things all the way through, but luckily, luck plays a nice little role in my life..... 

My husband, prepared to walk into chaotic chaos, could not believe how crowded-less the stores were.  We were so surprised we did not stop at only one store, we hit the mall, Sears, Rooms to Go, Toys R Us, and HH Gregg. 

I believe everyone went back to bed after waiting on line at 4am, or they went shopping the evening before.  I'm not sure where all the Black Friday, crazy, fighting, zombie people were, but the four of us had a quiet, casual shopping experience.  We took James out to a special Birthday lunch, and let him roam around Toys R Us for at least and hour. 

We did a little window shopping for furniture and found a good deal on a refrigerator for the new house.  James was actually enjoying it all.  Imagine, Little boy meets appliance department.  

We spotted a ton of classic cars driving as the Daytona Beach Turkey Rod Run was going on.  We had every intention to go, but we were lead elsewhere.  Maybe Another day?

Maybe Black Friday is only a myth.  As far as I'm concerned it has turned into Thrifty Thursday.  

I remember a time when holidays were sacred.  Nothing could be purchased on New Years Day, Christmas Day, Easter or Thanksgiving because everything was closed!  Maybe if we were lucky the little bodega was open for a few hours and you could pick up a forgotten item for dinner. But only because they were Korean and they didn't celebrate the same holidays as we did.  

Our kids will never know a day that is truly a holiday, a holiday everyone can enjoy as a day off. 

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