
Monday, December 2, 2013

Thursday - Day 277 - Virtually Thanksgiving

I thought a lot about what to write about on this thankful day.   

I read Facebook posts about being thankful for family and friends and having happy blessings for all.  I drooled over lovely table setting, filled with an abundance of food. 

received a few texts and emails from a select few thoughtful friends and family extending warm Thanksgiving greetings.  Which I truly appreciated. 

This Thanksgiving however, of all Thanksgivings, it was the first thanksgiving John and I spent with just the two of us and our boys.  

It was our intent to be low key, however, as we went about our day, the reality sunk, no one actually invited us to share
Thanksgiving with them.  (We are practically homeless for crying out loud. ;)) 

Normally we cook a huge meal and do the inviting.  John makes a mean juicy Turkey, gobble-gobble, however living in an RV this was not an option.

Although, I had no exceptions for today, when the truth is revealed, it is pretty damn funny.  If I didn't laugh at the irony, I would probably cry over the bittersweet truth that is my life.  

I am grateful for my family, thankful for all the goodness in my life, but at times it is difficult to not be aware of what is lacking.    Today, I lacked the comfort of extended family and friends to share my day with.  

The truth is always more interesting than fiction.  

My Virtual Thanksgiving Dinner
(no clean up)

With all that said, our day was spent well.  We woke to no heat, on one of our coldest days this year.  I eagerly enjoyed a 90minute hot yoga class this morning, the cold as my motivator.  This Yoga class is a  love, newly reacquainted into my life.  

Refreshed and relaxed, I came home to my men.  We prepped and moved our camper to a new spot which turned into a three hour ordeal. 

John hooking up the house. 

Our house all zipped up. Both slides closed making walking inside impossible. 

John needing a little help loading the BBQ in the car, while James picked up his trash that he accumulated over the months. (Ty is supervising) 

Our boys played hard inside and outside the RV. In our old spot (above) and in our new digs (below).  Lots of space to roam free.  Notice both boys are still in their PJs. 

James has his very own tree fort in the new campsite. 

Ty is just happy to be free!  Mowing the lawn in his Pajamas, what more could a kid want for.  "Say Cheese!"

James practiced his piano for 30minutes after we were all settled in.  Silent Night never sounded so beautiful.  We had a lovely ham dinner. (It was all I could fit in our mini oven) and the day was truly perfect.  

We now have a new home base; the Internet isn't worth a piece, but the views are new and the lighting is better with less trees.  

Next year we will have a very different outlook on life as we eat our Turkey and reflect on today. 

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