Friday, January 3, 2014

Wednesday - Day 304 - Christmas Day (For My Sisters)

Christmas is not about what you do, but appreciating who you're with.  

I have not spent Christmas morning with my oldest sister in a very long time.  Today, not only did we share our morning, but we shared our kids as well.  Her kids are grown, mine are little.  There is something very sweet about those dynamics.  

There was a time when my sister's kids were little and I watched them tear open their Christmas presents.   They were just kids.  Years later, they are now watching my boys move from present to present. One day, James and Ty will be watching their children.  

We will share stories about the Christmas we spent together at their house, when Ty and James were still little guys.  Funny how the circle of life comes around, again and again.   It seems hard to imagine my sisters kids with their own children, however, it will be true, one day in our futures.  

Our family is unique with unusual age gaps between cousins, aunts/uncles and nieces/nephews.  It's hard to explain our family tree, but occasionally I try. 

Grandpa remarried and had three more children after our grandmother passed away.   Lots of children were born in this time frame.  Grandpa had his three as his five older children began their families.  
His youngest children (my Aunts and Uncles) are younger than some of their nieces/nephews.  

Three grandchildren were at the end of the line with a larger gap than the rest. (myself, and 2 of my cousins).  Soon after we were born, grandpa's oldest grandchildren were getting married having their own children. 

This results in my second cousins having babies at the same time as myself. (They started early, while I started late). 

I love our crazy family tree, it makes for interesting dynamics and lots of fun family matters. 

In my nuclear family, I have two older sisters and an older brother.   My two sisters' have five children in total and all are grown.  Two of my youngest nieces, coincidently are the same age as my step-daughters.  My sister and I can relate on many teenage predicaments.  Our teens will be graduating and changing life stages at the same time.  Who knows, maybe we'll even become grandmothers together.  (But NOT anytime soon!!) 

Aside from our family tree, Christmas was a special and memorable day.  The kids are all sweet and lovable.  We are lucky my sister and I, to find something special together.  Something that may have been lost once, but has been found again.  

    I cherish both my sisters!!  

For my sisters who made such a huge impression on my life.  Thank you for always taking such good care of your little sis!  It made me who I am today! 

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