
Friday, February 7, 2014

Tuesday - Day 310 - It's over!

This is my last RVing Life entry.  It is over!  Daily blogging my experiences while living in an RV with my husband, two young boys and chaotic dog is complete.  

We did it.  We lived over ten months in our camper and loved it.  We learned to cope and managed the challenges head on.  Although, there were aspects  of our life that were not easy, other aspects were exceptionally unique to the experience. 

These are experiences I would not have had living anywhere else.  

As a couple, John and I worked together and made sure life for our family was as normal and as easy as possible.  We had solutions for anything that came up.  Whether it was lack of gas resulting in no heat on a cold Thanksgiving morning, limited and slow internet service, taking turns to get to and from our bedroom, yelling at our dog in unison, to move out of our way, or simply appreciating our surroundings, nature, frogs and bugs galore.  

We understand the sacrifices and meaning of what it truly means to live with less. Every aspect of RVing life has kept us on alert on what is important to maintain a good life, together as a family.

Where we live does not define us. 
How we choose to live our lives does.  

Maintaining a positive, happy, and content perspective on life is fundamental, but regardless of where we are in life, it is the secret to a life filled with joy and fulfillment.  

This is how I choose to master life-long fulfillment.  

Our next stage of life will be something different, not necessarily better and not worse.  
We will encounter new challenges which will balance with all the benefits of home ownership.  Similar to RVing life, where there is a fine balance of the easy and not so easy. 

The most important reason for moving on is to complete our family, an entire new life living with all five of our children.  Stay connected as I continue my journey in a my blog spin off "Living Life" with my husband, two young boys, three step-children, our chaotic dog and sweet cat.   You never know where life will take you, Living Life one fabulous day at a time.  


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Monday - Day 309 - so .... close?

We were very close to closing today at 3pm.  But, due to the strict banking regulations required these days, our close was delayed a day. 

We were held in limbo on the exact time/day of our house closing until the last hour.  Ultimately, we were told noon on Tuesday.  Our movers would be coming regardless of any ink on paper.

We used the entire day to pack and move the majority of our belongings from the campground to our new garage.  We made multiple trips back and forth from the RV to the house.  It was much more time consuming than any of us had anticipated.

Back and forth, I packed garbage bag, upon garbage bag. (After using all our boxes)  How much stuff did we cram into this little home on wheels?

White Trash Move

We did it and with the help of my youngest two step-children, we successfully worked hard to get it all done.  Before we knew it, our RV was bare and we were watching a movie with four of our five children.  Our last days in the campground were fun all together, cozy and snug.  

It was a good day, but the reality of it being our last night camping was closing in.  How much would we miss it, the campground, or would we not miss it at all?  Would this life fade to black, never to be known again?

I can't answer that now, but someday, I will know how significant these last 309 days would be. 

How will it impact my life, my husband's and my boys lives? 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Sunday - Day 308 - That Happy Place

We finally arrived home to our campground oasis and appreciated the fact that we were finally home.  In our own bed, and our own space.  

Isn't that what home is all about?  The place you feel most comfortable in?  You enjoy it and lavish in it and can be 100% yourself. 

I know if my home was a big cardboard box I would make it my own.  My NYC apartment wasn't much bigger than a cardboard box.  And I loved every square inch of that over priced piece of real estate.  It was mine, all mine to love.  

My NYC studio apartment

Living Room & Bedroom!
Very Cozy!

It had my own messes to clean.  My own space to enjoy and share as I please.  If I wanted to be a fat couch potato, no one was around to tell me differently. 

Life changes a little when you get married and have a few kids.  You're forced to be respectful to those you live with.  However, home is still home and that's all that truly matters.  

Whether living in a tiny apartment, a house, a room or an RV, we all have that happy place we call our home.  This has been my biggest lesson on this journey while living in our RV.    

To be totally candid, my last couple of days did not feel particular special, but my overall life experience was more significant than any words written in this entry.  

Life experience is the only thing no one can take away from us.  Material things in our life come and go, but the true grit of what makes us unique is pushing ourselves to our limits and looking for new experiences each and every day.  

Monday, January 6, 2014

Saturday - Day 307 - unscathed

This morning we said Good-Bye to mom and headed towards our long journey home.

Two days of driving, and our intended early start was not as early as we had hoped.  But our last hour with mom was worth the minor traffic delays we encountered out of New York City.

John and I had plenty to discuss on the ride home about my mom's situation, our upcoming move out of the RV and how life would change for all of us.  

Driving anywhere with my husband and two boys is never an unpleasant experience.  However, we made a decision to purchase a dual DVD for the boys, which was guaranteed entertainment most of the entire road trip.  

John and I had not disagreed or 'debated' much of anything.  I'm not sure how it happens, but married life seems to get easier as time moves forward.  Little things like long car rides are a tell tale sign of how a marriage is going. 

If by the end of the trip you can't stand being in each others space, a little re-evaluation of your marriage dynamics may be in order.


If you're still saying, "I love you" and "I love our time together".  Married life is pretty darn good. 

Whew! Thankfully, we survived this trip unscathed. 

Friday - Day 306 - Last Visiting Day

Friday was my last full day visiting mom.  She seemed good overall, but was still adjusting to her new environment.  I spent time with mom, supportive and appreciative of our time left with one another. 

My sister, Margaret, had taken my kids the day before and was keeping them until later today.  It helped keep the dynamics relaxed and calm while visiting mom.  

John and I, enjoyed our evening the night before together and today child free.   We would also take advantage of an evening out with my sister and her boyfriend while my oldest sister spent some quality time with the boys.  

Ty & Brooklyn 

It is times like these I truly miss not having my sisters live close to me.  They are always ready and able to spend quality time with their nephews and spoil them rotten.   As my boys grow older their relationships with their aunts gets stronger and stronger.  They love their time together.   I love it equally as much. 

Ensuring their relationships are maintained is one of the most important things I can do for my boys.  Family dynamics are important no matter where we all live. 

James & my oldest niece

All and all our trip to New York was well worth the drive.  I wish I took more photos, but the memories will last forever.  I wish the trip was not prompted by my mother being sick, but life always seems to steer us in the direction we were meant to be in.  

Letting go of the wheel is often the best way to cope with unexpected life roads.  

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Thursday - Day 305 - dust to dust

Spending time visiting my mom in rehab, which is also a nursing home, is both a humbling and profound experience. 

On Christmas Day and the day after I attended 'events' with my mom to get her out of her room.  

The first day their was entertainment for the seniors, comparable to 'The Wedding Singer' and he was worth the journey out of my mother's modest room. 

While watching and listening to our 'entertainer' sing while playing his guitar my aunt and husband were also present.  I believe we were all equally stunned at the scene we were witnessing on Christmas Day.  

A Line of Wheel Chairs lined the room, row after row.  The expressionless faces on most of the resident faces would force anyone to evaluate their mortality.  

As the entertainer sang his heart out, a few swayed to the music while one exceptionally lively patron sang along, loudly, at her own beat.  The music was good, catchy and brought back memories for all who could hear it. 

Ty sitting between me and his grandma

It was a sad environment, with a glimmer of sunshine peaking into the hearts of only a few.  I'm not sure if my mom really enjoyed the entire episode, and although she and my aunt engaged with the music, I am sure my mother was more concerned with her role among all the others,

"Was she now one of them?"

Our opinion is unlikely, but to an outsider one could easily lump her in with the herd of humans occupying the room. 

The next day (today) we attended a totally different event.  It was "Choir".  Christmas songs after Christmas, and the patients were the ones singing.  My mom sang and sang well, although her heart was not in it.  She was not feeling extremely well, but she still did much better than many of the other patients.  She enjoyed her hour of song as best she could. 

My final thoughts after this experience: 

I believe no matter were our lives take us, through successes, hardship or happiness getting old and losing what we once were is inevitable for most.  We begin as babies needing someone to care for all our basic needs and grow old needing all those same basic needs cared for.  We become helpless once again.  

This is a reality most of us never confront until we face it head on, or if a loved one is experiencing it.  We are than forced to accept that life, as we once knew it, will never be the same again.  

Cherish all the easy day to day life tasks, find fulfillment in the simplicity, enjoy your freedoms.  In an instant, they may all be gone and we turn into blank, reflective slates with nothing else to look forward to in this lifetime.  

Friday, January 3, 2014

Wednesday - Day 304 - Christmas Day (For My Sisters)

Christmas is not about what you do, but appreciating who you're with.  

I have not spent Christmas morning with my oldest sister in a very long time.  Today, not only did we share our morning, but we shared our kids as well.  Her kids are grown, mine are little.  There is something very sweet about those dynamics.  

There was a time when my sister's kids were little and I watched them tear open their Christmas presents.   They were just kids.  Years later, they are now watching my boys move from present to present. One day, James and Ty will be watching their children.  

We will share stories about the Christmas we spent together at their house, when Ty and James were still little guys.  Funny how the circle of life comes around, again and again.   It seems hard to imagine my sisters kids with their own children, however, it will be true, one day in our futures.  

Our family is unique with unusual age gaps between cousins, aunts/uncles and nieces/nephews.  It's hard to explain our family tree, but occasionally I try. 

Grandpa remarried and had three more children after our grandmother passed away.   Lots of children were born in this time frame.  Grandpa had his three as his five older children began their families.  
His youngest children (my Aunts and Uncles) are younger than some of their nieces/nephews.  

Three grandchildren were at the end of the line with a larger gap than the rest. (myself, and 2 of my cousins).  Soon after we were born, grandpa's oldest grandchildren were getting married having their own children. 

This results in my second cousins having babies at the same time as myself. (They started early, while I started late). 

I love our crazy family tree, it makes for interesting dynamics and lots of fun family matters. 

In my nuclear family, I have two older sisters and an older brother.   My two sisters' have five children in total and all are grown.  Two of my youngest nieces, coincidently are the same age as my step-daughters.  My sister and I can relate on many teenage predicaments.  Our teens will be graduating and changing life stages at the same time.  Who knows, maybe we'll even become grandmothers together.  (But NOT anytime soon!!) 

Aside from our family tree, Christmas was a special and memorable day.  The kids are all sweet and lovable.  We are lucky my sister and I, to find something special together.  Something that may have been lost once, but has been found again.  

    I cherish both my sisters!!  

For my sisters who made such a huge impression on my life.  Thank you for always taking such good care of your little sis!  It made me who I am today! 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Tuesday - Day 303 - Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was spent visiting with my mom in Sands Point Nursing home and spending the evening with extended family.  

Christmas Day usually entails my sister having dinner at her house with all our extended family. This year would be different, Christmas would not be like it has been in previous years. 

Seeing family on Christmas Eve was an ideal way for me to see family I normally do not see on my quick trips to NY and during the year.  It was really great to get my favorite family fix.  I love them all so much and it is rough when I only spend a few days a year with most of them.  

The funny thing about family, even with the little kids who grow up, we love and like each other effortlessly and nothing changes even when lots of time goes by in between visits.   

This is how it all begins.....

What really captivates me the most are my little cousins who are growing into beautiful women.  They are sweet and engaging and the more I get to know their 'grown up' selves, the prouder I am to be part of our family. 

My nieces are transforming into young ladies as well.  One is on the verge of graduating and beginning college next year.  It blows my mind how quickly their lives have changed from year to year.  It's fabulously, bittersweet.  I, of course, never feel like I'm aging, yet my family continues to grow and the older I become the more I enjoy my time with everyone.  

To all my readers who live close to extended family, enjoy the time together.  Once you're moved away, or encounter life  changes, it gets harder to 
find those close, quality moments together as a family.  

We don't choose our family members, but we love them regardless and when life is difficult, our family is there to find us and help us through to the other side.  Often, when we least expect it.  

Monday - Day 302 - Lady Liberty

 We rose early in the AM to drive to NY. 
Our RV felt very far away.  We knew the drive would be worth every minute of every mile.

My instincts told me this was where we were suppose to be.  New York for Christmas with family was good place to be, unfortunately it was not prompted under the best of circumstances.  

The drive was good.  No traffic, no weather and we left early enough to beat all the other travelers at the rest stops.

The funny part about traveling during the holidays.  Everyone else is traveling too, as if following the same exact route.  There is no escaping the herds of people getting to the same destination as you. 

Once in New York City, we caught a glimpse of The Statue of Liberty.  James screamed and screamed. "I saw that mom, I've been there!"  It took John and I a minute to understand.  We had taken the older kids to tour the Statue of Liberty the year we were married, but never James.  

Why was James thinking he'd been to see her?  All at once it made sense to both of us.  Vegas!!  He remembered seeing the New York, New York hotel in Vegas.  It had a smaller version of The Statue of Liberty. 

James is getting to the age where we can start making plans to sightsee in NYC and those memories will remain with him for a lifetime.  

John and I agreed to take him to see Miss Liberty sometime soon in the future.  He truly thinks he saw The Satue of Libery, but climbing inside all the way to her crown will be an entirely new and lasting impression on his young mind.  One little adventure at a time.